Thursday 18 July 2013

A Fresh Start

Well it has been almost a year since I last put up a post. Last year I managed to get down from 240 pounds to 218 pounds and I am glad to say that 10 months later I have maintained it well (give of take a pound or two) but I am back on the healthy eating bandwagon once again and determined to outdo my success last year. Yes I do see it as a success even though I gave up after about 3 months because I still had substantial and lasting weight loss.

I have been eating healthy for 5 days so far and already feel better in myself, maybe not much thinner but more confident and hopeful for the future.

I've always been a very fussy eater I'm on a mission to try and cut this out and I read a tip that said to try one new food per week so I thought I'd give it a go with my most neglected food groups, FRUITS and VEGETABLES. So I though I would do this, pick up something I have never tried before (you may be surprised at some of them) in my weekly shop and put up a post once a week about what it was and what I thought of it. I am the sort of person who when I go out somewhere I will only pick something if I know I'm going to like it so this will be a big challenge for me but hopefully I'll like some of the foods and end up with a more varied diet because of it.

Wish me luck as I start over and feel free to recommend some fruits and veg for me to try out.